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May 7 2011 6 07 /05 /May /2011 13:54

These annual events are dedicated to benefit all beings, including animals, hell beings and everyone that is suffering in the samsara.

Annual butterlamps retreat:

The 21st offering of 111.111 butterlamps retreat will be held at Khordong Byangter Monastery in India from January 9th to January 26th 2012.

Grand lives release:

The 2nd lives release event will be held on the next Chotrul Duchen Festival. The more lives are being released the better. We will concentrate on fishes like this year. Collection of funds is open; if you wish to take part please contact us at thechhimedrigdzinsociety@yahoo.com. To give you an idea all expenses included it costed us the equivalent of 15 Euros to release 10 kg of fishes.

For more details, please see previous lives release.

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Khordong-Byangter Monastery

  • : Khordong-Byangter-Monastery
  • : Khordong Byangter Monastery was founded by the late Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche in order to protect and spread the teachings of this lineage which were taught by Padmasambhava and rediscovered in the 14th and 19th century by the tertons Rigdzin Godem and Nuden Dorje.
  • Contact

The Chhimed Rigdzin Society

To prevent the decline of Buddhist teachings in general and especially those of his own tradition, Rinpoche had for a long time the wish and vision to build his own monastery where retreats and study should be done. For that reason in 1961 he formed the Chhimed Rigdzin Society together with many other great lamas... More


Khordong Byangter Monastery
Dhansara Village, P.O. Ranidanga 734012
District Darjeeling, West-Bengal
Phone: +91 98 32 049416 or
+91 99 33 062222

Email: thechhimedrigdzinsociety@yahoo.com
